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Introduction to Short Film Screenwriting / Short film

This workshop will help you to be familiar with essential concepts related the creation of a short film script. Many of these concepts are totally valid for a feature film, but some of them are especific of these short stories.

In this course, we´ll see the basic foundations of the classical drama -which can be found in the Hollywood movies-, but also the elements that create miniplot films, where nothing seems to happen, but there is a lot going on (usually, art-house works).

The students -if they wish- can share their stories in public to receive feedback from me and the classmates. The small number of students (8 maximum) will allow to achieve a proper creative atmosphere.

The course fee includes two individual consultations that will take place after the workshop has finished (for instance, two and three weeks later) in the case that the student wants to discuss especifically with me about his/her script.

It takes place online, in Zoom, once a month, during a weekend.

For filmmakers of any level, beginners or advanced... I have had all kind of students and no matter in which step you are, this will help you to discover or clarify concepts.

In English.

I´ll organize also courses in Spanish if there is interest.


The dates are announced in the Home page of this web. It takes place during a weekend, once a month.

Hours -

The course consits of 12 hours, organized on a Saturday and a Sunday, from 8am till 3pm (European time). There are a couple of pauses during each day.

We´ll talk about Conflict, Character, Structure, Miniplot, Dialogues, Creativity and what to do with the film.


We´ll see the key elements that compose a succesful short film Previously to the workshop, I´ll send the students the theory and we´ll comment it with examples of short films, some of them will be also sent previously, others will be screened in class.


The course has a cost of 120 euros (without individual consultations) or 150 euros (with individual consultations). It should be paid one week prior to the event via Paypal.
Minimum number of students: 3.

Maximum number of students: 8.

The150 € price includes two individual consultations that will take place after the course has finished.


I can analyze your short film script -independently of the course- at a rate of 7 euros/script page. This rate includes two readings of the script (meaning, you give me a first draft,  then I comment it; then, you rewrite and I read a second draft). Feedback via Zoom, not written.

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